

New Happy Shelf Collection

30th June 2023

I have something very exciting to share with you today. Say hello to the Happy Shelf Collection. There are three necklace and brooch designs as well as some cute stud earrings, all inspired by crafters, makers and bakers!

But wait, there’s more…

As if that isn’t exciting enough, for the first time ever you can choose the option to customise your chosen Happy Shelf necklace and brooch! Add a name, message, favourite phrase or whatever you like for a truly unique and special piece of jewellery. The perfect personalised gift, even if it is just for yourself!

This is something I have wanted to offer for a long time and it feels wonderful to finally be making it happen!

You can also customise the original Happy Shelf necklace that started the idea for this whole collection.

These designs were SO much fun to create, I hope you like them and have fun if you choose to customise your chosen design!

Available from my shop now

Layla x

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